Psychiatric Hospitals Baton Rouge

Elizabeth Keys Casselberry, NP

7777 Hennessy Boulevard Suite 701
Baton Rouge , LA 70808
(225) 765-8648


Elizabeth Keys Casselberry is a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner currently practicing at the Lake Physician Group - Family Center at O'Donovan. Elizabeth specializes in psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents. Elizabeth has a bachelor's of science in psychology from McNeese State University in Lake Charles, LA, and a master's degree in social work from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA. She currently maintains her credentials a licensed clinical social worker. In addition, Elizabeth received her bachelor's of science in nursing from Louisiana State University Health and Sciences Center in New Orleans, LA, and her master’s degree in nursing from Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, LA.

Elizabeth Keys Casselberry, NP can be found at 7777 Hennessy Boulevard Suite 701 . The following is offered: Psychiatric Hospitals - In Baton Rouge there are 18 other Psychiatric Hospitals. An overview can be found here.


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Psychiatric Hospitals

Map 7777 Hennessy Boulevard Suite 701